Polaris Data Network (PDN) is a cloud based remote data monitoring and control system. This system provides secure datalogging, equipment control, and customized alerting, working in tandem with real-time dashboards.

  • • Equipment without active data logging

    • Little to no validation that software/hardware is working appropriately

    • Management of numerous and various pieces of equipment simultaneously

    • Disjointed systems

    • Lack of data to help drive decision making

  • • Real-time remote monitoring

    • Remote control of equipment and test parameters

    • Adaptable to multiple hardware and software platforms

    • At-a-glance large scale overview of monitored systems

    • Secure off-site cloud-based storage (Utilizing AWS)*

    • Fast access to historical data

    • Customized email and SMS text alerts

    • Web dashboards with user management

    • Increased stability for testing and monitoring platforms

    • File export for validation

  • • Remote monitoring and control from any web browser

    (desktop, tablet, phone)

    • Provides insight into previously unmonitored systems

    • Long-term data access for analytic purposes

    • Data driven decision making for processes

    and equipment used

    • Decreased need for manual tracking/logging

  • • Contoured and user customizable alerting

    • Automated messaging based on condition, status, threshold, etc.

    • Text and email alerts delivered within seconds

    • Multiple users may be informed simultaneously 24/7

Installation Types

Polaris Data Network Connected to the Internet (Cloud Version)

The Polaris Data Network (PDN) connected to the internet offers an exceptional industrial Internet of Things (IoT) monitoring solution. With its advanced features, this cloud-based system provides you with real-time monitoring, a comprehensive dashboard, and seamless access to data from anywhere with an internet connection. Key benefits:

Real-time Alerting: PDN ensures that you receive instant notifications and alerts regarding critical events, allowing you to respond swiftly to potential issues and prevent downtime.

Long-term Storage and Retrieval: All your data is securely stored in the cloud, providing you with reliable long-term storage and easy retrieval whenever needed. This allows you to analyze historical trends, perform data-driven decision making, and meet regulatory compliance requirements.

Dashboard Interface: PDN offers a user-friendly and customizable dashboard interface, giving you a centralized view of your devices, sensors, and their corresponding data. This enables you to monitor key metrics, visualize trends, and gain valuable insights into your industrial processes.

Anywhere Access: With internet connectivity, you can access the PDN platform from anywhere, whether it's from your office, on the go, or even remotely. This flexibility ensures that you stay connected to your data and have real-time visibility into your operations at all times.

Polaris Data Network On-Premises

The Polaris Data Network On-Premises installation provides a secure and self-contained solution that meets the needs of organizations requiring an airgap between their internal network and the internet. With its own dedicated server, local dashboard, and on-device storage, this installation offers the following benefits:

Enhanced Security: By deploying PDN On-Premises, you can maintain a secure environment by creating an airgap between your company's network and the internet. This isolation reduces the risk of external threats and provides an additional layer of protection for your sensitive industrial data.

Local Dashboard: The on-premises installation includes a local dashboard interface, allowing you to monitor and manage your IoT devices and data locally within your network. This provides you with direct control and quick access to real-time insights without relying on an external cloud connection.

Long-term Storage: PDN On-Premises comes equipped with robust on-device storage capabilities, ensuring that your historical data is securely stored within your premises. This enables you to maintain complete control over your data and comply with any local regulatory requirements.

Functionality and Control: Despite the absence of an internet connection, PDN On-Premises still offers most of the key functionalities available in the cloud version. You can benefit from real-time monitoring, data analysis, and customized alerting, all while having complete control over your industrial IoT ecosystem.

Long-term Data Storage

With the Polaris Data Network (PDN), our advanced features ensure that your data is securely stored for long-term preservation, while also providing quick and effortless access for later analysis or process verification.

Reliable Long-Term Storage: PDN offers a robust and reliable long-term storage solution for your data. Our system is designed to efficiently handle large volumes of data, allowing you to store historical records, sensor readings, and process metrics securely. With PDN, you can preserve valuable information for compliance purposes, future reference, or in-depth analysis.

Easy Data Retrieval: PDN simplifies the process of retrieving your stored data, ensuring that you can access it quickly and effortlessly whenever you need it. Retrieve specific information with ease. Whether you're verifying a process or conducting retrospective analysis, PDN empowers you to access the right data at the right time.