PDN Pricing

When considering PDN, there are two options: PDN Cloud or PDN On-Premise. Both options require an installation cost that is determined based on your data needs. For the On-Premise (Local Sever) model, installation cost is paid at the time of installation, which is determined by the number of connected endpoints. Our installation costs for simple endpoints start as low as a few hundred dollars, while more complex needs requiring custom programming will still be priced competitively.

PDN Cloud requires the same installation cost as the On-Premise model, but also requires a minimum 2-year lease agreement for local and remote data access. While PDN Cloud offers greater usability and flexibility, it does come at a higher cost. The lease cost is calculated based on the number of data values monitored per endpoint (up to 16) and the rate at which data needs to be sampled and stored, with higher sampling rates incurring greater costs.

Data Access Fees based on a 5 second data Interval:

PDN Cloud offers many benefits as part of our PDN package. To gain similar benefits with On-Premise, your IT and production groups would need to create them for your local installation. Alternatively, you may purchase an additional maintenance service package for PDN, at an additional cost.

PDN Cloud benefits:

• Remote data access from any location on any modern device with Internet access

• Multi-Factor Authorization option for users during login

• 256-bit SSL certificate-based encryption (Industry Standard).

• Installation costs can be amortized over a 2-year period, with no upfront costs.

• PDN updates can be pushed remotely when authorized and indicated.

• Endpoint use is dynamic, and they can be added or removed as needed, with costs following.

• Additional dashboards and tools may be purchased and remotely installed as they become available.

• Hardware is warrantied for as long as a lease agreement remains in force. No replacement charges ever.

If your company is looking to integrate with Industry 4.0 and take advantage of its benefits, PDN with cloud services could be the ideal solution for you.

*Note: a minimum 2-year lease agreement is required for the cloud model.